In Amsterdam NY, I recommend you go to Creek Stone Restaurant / Pub. When I went there I got a brinner burger. It had a waffle bun, bacon, eggs, cheese and a burger.
When I ordered it I didn't know about the burger inside. Oh - it also had bourbon maple syrup on it. And it was surprisingly good when it had maple syrup on it, and I liked the combination of breakfast and dinner.
[parental PS - he ate the whole thing.]
And it’s amazing we’re in Chicago and in a couple of days we will be in Brooklyn😀😃😄😄😁😆🍕.
Hi-Isaac glad you read my post hope you have one some day.😀😃😄😁😆 just waited 3 hours and walked 3 miles for Chicago style pizza.
Hi Felix🙂🙂🙂 how is it going?Its me Isaac.I just read your recomendation for the burger yum!🍔How is it there? I just went to camp and everything is good bye 👋 🏗